Resources Available
Talk to your primary health care provider about birth control, becoming sexually active, testing, etc.!!
Planned Parenthood Basics
Birth Control at reduced costs, family planning ,STD testing, treatment and vaccines
Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center
Offers STI testing and online consultations for students
The Men’s Clinic at UCLA
Provides men with a welcoming place to discuss their sexual problems from erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction, sexual health, and most other medical sexual disorders.
Venice family Clinic
Education, counseling, treatment and referrals for people who test positive for HIV, Hepatitis C or other sexually transmitted infections
Hollywood Health Center (1-800-576-5544)
Provide abortion services, birth control, HIV testing, emergency contraceptive, pregnancy testing and services
East Los Angeles Health Center (1-800-576-5544)
Provide women’s health care resources, HIV testing, men’s health care, abortion services, etc.
Check out our Linktree for more resources!