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Our History

          The Black/Latinx AIDS (BLAIDS) Project at UCLA was founded in 1991 as a joined project between two pre-health organizations, Latinxs/Chicanxs for Community Medicine (LCCM) and the Black Pre-Health Organization (BPHO). BLAIDS was founded as a response to the growing number of STDs/STIs, HIV/AIDS cases, and teen pregnancies in the Los Angeles area, as well as the low number of college applicants in black and brown communities.


          Through the creation of BLAIDS, like-minded individuals hoped to eradicate stigma and increase the access to preventative resources in predominantly Black and Latinx communities by attending high schools and presenting about HIV/AIDS, STDs/STIs, and teen pregnancy to youths. Through outreach and education, from the beginning BLAIDS has hoped to make a change in the community by lowering the number of Latina and Black teenage pregnancies, as well as, encourage youths to engage in safe sex.

Community Impact

          BLAIDS is committed towards attending school sites and presenting on vital topics relating to sexual health. As research has shown, black and brown communities have been disproportionally affected by sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV infections. Also, Latinx and Black teenagers are the racial/ethnic groups with the highest levels of teen pregnancies in the United States among other racial/ethnic groups. Our community work involves promoting awareness, prevention, and information on living with these diseases/infections within youths and the UCLA community as whole. We seek to empower communities by volunteering in community events, participating in the LA AIDS Walk, presenting at schools, and hosting parent workshops in the community.



          In addition, the recent budget cuts to programs, such as Planned Parenthood, have affected programs that provide life-saving services to the communities that need them the most. The lack of health classes in high schools and the end of state funded preventative programs is a reality that increases the risk level of individuals in these marginalized communities. The existence of educational programs like BLAIDS are fundamental in providing preventative information on HIV/AIDS and STDs/STIS to affected communities.

The Team

Get to know all of our Project Directors for the 2020-2021 school year below!  


Celeste Castro (she/her/hers/ella)

Administrative Director

YEAR: 4th 


Anthropology + Chicanx & Central American Studies


Greenfield, CA



I chose BLAIDS because I’m very passionate about sexual health and believe it should be a topic that is not only more frequently discussed, but a topic that shouldn’t be uncomfortable to talk about. Coming from a very traditional Mexican household, being part of BLAIDS was intimidating and very daunting at first. But I can personally say that after being a director the last 2 years, BLAIDS has helped me become more comfortable and knowledgeable on the topic. I hope to be able to help others feel the same way towards these taboo topics through the work BLAIDS does, as well as to serve as a community that welcomes discussion, questions, and growth!


Describe your position in 5 words.

Rewarding, hectic, dynamic, collaborative, fun!


Who motivates you to work hard?

My family!


Nathan Rivas


Risk and Research Director

YEAR: 4th



Human Biology and Society

w/ a concentration in Public Health and Medicine



Chicanx and Central American Studies


HOMETOWN:  Hesperia, CA



BLAIDS allows me to serve the community that I come from by disseminating facts on sexual health topics. Growing up, sexual health was a taboo topic and was not talked about at home nor in school, and being able to offer this knowledge to the next person is rewarding in itself. Through my position, I hope to contribute to the knowledge on these topics by conducting my own research to bring awareness to issues that are not given enough attention.


Describe your position in 5 words.

Knowledge, information, science, awareness, dissemination.


What makes you feel accomplished?

Something as simple as sending an email makes me feel accomplished.


Jennifer Bribiesca


External Director








Chicanx Studies



Pico Rivera, CA



I decided to join BLAIDS because I felt like I could really get out of my comfort zone and grow in the organization. I wanted to step out and become more comfortable with the uncomfortable. I have also always been dedicated to serving underrepresented communities and sharing resources that would benefit their health.


Describe your position in 5 words.

Oversee off campus volunteer sites.


Favorite pass time:

My favorite pass time is watching criminal documentaries/docuseries.


Natalie Carias


Internal Director

YEAR: 3rd


MAJOR: Psychobiology


MINOR: Global Health


HOMETOWN: Hawthorne, CA



I joined BLAID because I absolutely love their mission and knew that I wanted to be involved! There is so much stigma and lack of awareness concerning sexual health in educational systems and communities like mine. I feel grateful that we're able to disseminate resources and talk to youth about these very important health measures.


Describe your position in 5 words.

Making connections and planning events.


What is a piece of advice you would like to have heard earlier?

Even though there are so many things you have yet to figure out, you're exactly where you need to be so you should be proud of yourself! Remember how far you've come, and use that to continue propelling you forward.


Saori Tejada


Financial Director

YEAR: 2nd



Pre-Human Biology & Society



Chicanx & Central American Studies


HOMETOWN: San Fernando Valley, CA



I love the mission of BLAIDS- to decrease the stigma surrounding sexual health and empower our community! I feel as though BLAIDS provides many with a safe space/community to freely discuss, question and express our thoughts surrounding a topic that is too often stigmatized by our communities. All the people in BLAIDS are also very kind and welcoming, which really adds to this sense of community and overall experience!


Describe your position in 5 words.

Numbers. Organizing. Networking. Problem-solving. Adaptability.


What’s on your bucket list this year?

I really want to learn how to skate this year!


Vera Arenas


Co-Publicity Director





Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology



Biomedical Research

Global Health



Bakersfield, CA



I joined BLAIDS because I am passionate about breaking down taboos through sexual health education, especially in underserved communities!


Describe your position in 5 words.

Making things look aesthetically pleasing!


Guilty Pleasure:

Watching reality TV! Especially The Bachelor franchise.


Aileen Rodriguez


Co-Publicity Director





Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics



Biomedical Research



Los Angeles, CA



I joined BLAIDS because wanted to be part of their mission to destigmatize conversations about NORMAL parts of life and to enhance sexual health and women’s health in our communities of color. Growing up, guilt and shame was often associated with conversations involving sex, and BLAIDS is like the older sister I never had!


Describe your position in 5 words.

Increasing awareness through digestible information.


Best form of self-care:

Karaoking my heart out!

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